Press. Schloss Neubeuern.

NEW 91

01.12.2023- 31.12.2023
The economic forum Schloss Neubeuern

At Schloss Neubeuern, the signs are once again pointing to further development. With a four-part series of events, the school is emphasising its role as a source of inspiration and bringing students and entrepreneurship together. In November, the Norwegian business philosopher Anders Indset gave a very moving lecture and impressively conveyed to the audience that our “being human” is precisely the standard that always applies, which ultimately sets us apart from the generally feared artificial intelligence.

This issue strikes exactly the right balance by also giving poetry and a sense of beauty plenty of space. This is also an important topic for Schloss Neubeuern at the moment and therefore also in this issue. Culture and nature are an important complement to science and business – enjoy looking and reading.

NEW 91