Projects. Schloss Neubeuern.

Racism & Integration Working Group

01.05.2023- 18.07.2024
Community instead of exclusion - Neubeuren sticks together.

Under this motto, all pupils gathered in the Great Hall on 1 May 2024, when there were no lessons, to get to know the former pupil and School without Racism mentor Cenk Alican better and to talk to him. The event was organised by the Racism & Integration Working Group, whose representative Alina Kraus began by presenting the aims and measures of the working group and recruiting new members. Cenk Alican then reported on his own experiences as a pupil at Schloss Neubeuern and described some of his experiences with Russian, Chinese and German classmates. The students, mentors and teachers present listened intently, mostly seriously and thoughtfully, but also smiling at some of the funny anecdotes. Cenk concluded by summarising that when he was at school over 20 years ago, there was already a friendly and largely understanding atmosphere at Schloss Neubeuern.

"Strong character, cosmopolitan, unique".

In order to raise awareness of the ideal of a harmonious school kima without exclusion, some pupils acted out everyday racist scenes as they occur in many schools or in public. Two moderating pupils commented on each scene and called on all those present to react decisively should they ever experience such incidents. SoR representative Mr Hausmann then made a plea against any form of everyday racism and concluded by urging everyone to stand up for our values and be “strong in character, open-minded, unique” so that our community becomes even stronger and Schloss Neubeuern remains a better place than the world around us!

As an outward sign of our school community, all those present made the castle salute “gimme eight!”, which was presented for the first time on this day.